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Monday, October 18, 2010

4 Great Affirmations And How You Can Apply Them

Do feel lost, unhappy… or in a rut?

If you do, and everyone does at some point in their lives, where do you turn when it seems nobody can help you or those you love?

A powerful help can be found in affirmations.

Here are 4 great tips and affirmations when you feel that things are not going well for you..
1. Change Your Focus and Give Thanks.

Take your mind off your life's challenges and shift your focus toward good thoughts and things you have achieved in the past.

Affirmation: I am happy and grateful for all the good things I have achieved in my life.

Tip: Focus on the good things you have achieved and the difference you have made in other people’s lives- no matter how small you think they are.

Be grateful for all those things.

2. Listen for Positive "Messages"
 Be on the lookout for ‘coincidences’- people that you meet, guidance from inside, events that happen your way. Everything happens for a ‘good’ reason. Have trust and faith that all will work out. It ALWAYS does.

Affirmation: I recognise the power of the Universe to deliver what is good for me.

Tip: It’s ok to ask. YES you deserve what you ask for. Have a vision in your mind as to what you need when you say this affirmation. You are blessed by the energies of the Universe. Believe that. Have faith and have trust.

3. Love and Bless Other People- even those you don’t know.

When you are in a rut or not happy, it is easy to feel isolated. And you may be isolated, with no close friends. It is important to feel love for those around you- even strangers. This is as much about you and your attitude as it is about them.

Affirmation: I send love and blessings to my family, friends and all those people I don’t know who need love and strength.

Tip: Connect positively, both in your mind and in real life, with as many people as you can.

4. Use Your Gifts and Talents- no matter how insignificant they seem to you.
Everyone has gifts and talents. Be it a hobby, interest, the ability to communicate, create etc. Use those gifts, develop them and make sure everyone knows about them. Whatever energy you send into the Universe will come back to you many times over.

Affirmation: I have in my abilities and in my ability to share my gifts.

Tip: Be a ‘doer’ and stay active. Help others and you WILL help yourself.


  1. i recognize and acknowledge coincidences in my life; but, i'm so happy to know that all things happen for a "good" reason.

    excellent post, Alex. thanks!

  2. Thank you Holly

    ♥♥♥ ⓁⓄⓋⒺ & ⓁⒾⒼⒽⓉ☀☀☀

