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Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to LAUGH… and why you should.

Laughter truly IS the best medicine.

“If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.” ~Proverb

The Benefits of Laughter

  • Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones in our bodies
  • Laughter provides both a physical and emotional release.
  • Laughter can be a good workout for your abs, diaphragm, and shoulders.
  • Laughter leaves you feeling more relaxed.
  • Laughter brings the focus away from negative emotions.
  • Laughter can give us a more positive outlook on a situation.
  • Laughter connects us with others.
Here are some tips to get you laughing:
  • Look in the mirror and make silly faces (yes, this works).
  • Spend a night (or two) at your local comedy club.
  • Turn on a funny movie or TV show.
  • Take a look at the comics in the newspaper. It’s funnier than the news.
  • Look for funny websites on the Net
  • Always ask yourself How is this situation funny? when you are upset.
  • Hang out with funny friends. You know who they are.
  • Read a funny book.
  • Fake it. Apparently fake laughter has the same benefits.
  • Read funny quotes.
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  1. Laughter breaks down all the barriers - pretense, negativity and sadness cannot exist in the presence of laughter. So bring it on I say!

  2. I can attest to the effectiveness of fake laughter. Since I was a child, I covered up my insecurities with laughter and somehow, despite being clinically depressed, I no longer require medication. I owe it to the fact that I laugh when I am insecure. I also laugh when I stuff up!

