Always ask, “What do I want to do next?
When you ask yourself ‘what’ questions a number of options will appear. Pick the option that ‘feels’ the best and go with it. Your energies will rise. Even if you make a ‘mistake’ ask the ‘what’ question again and keep following your intuition- you WILL get it right and your energies WILL rise.
2. Stop asking ‘why’ questions- they have no answers.
Stick with the ‘what’ questions.
In fact, after you ask yourself a ‘why’ question, followit immediately with a ‘what’ question.
Example: “Why doesn’t my hair look good today?”
Turn this into a ‘what’ question- immediately.
“What do I want my hair to look like?”
Options will appear… then ask,
“What do I need to do make make myb hair look like that?”
Again options will appear- hairdresser, change colour, brush differently etc. Select the option that raises your energies- that makes you most excited about yourself.
3. Stop the Drama
Stop imaging worst case scenarios. Stop focussing on the possibilities of every problem- this just accelerates negative energies.
Keep asking the “What” questions. Practice them.
4. Practice Joy and Optimism
Optimism can be learned. Practice:
-Appreciate the love and beauty already in your life.
-Always keep your word to yourself.
-Value your own efforts.
-Instead of focusing on problems, envision solutions.
-Practice self-supportive thoughts.
-Lighten up and don't take yourself so seriously.
-Schedule time every day for relaxation.
-Learn to breathe consciously and deeply.
Excitement is something we choose. It’s something we set forth as a possibility, and then look for ways to making it happen. This is your life. Is today the day you purposefully get excited about exploring, discovering, and creating?
Keep asking "What" questions and you will see and feel the difference in your life.
Above all… have FUN :
Did you enjoy this Post- love to hear your comments
I like the idea of rephrasing as presented in #2.