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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

5 Tips for a Happier Drive to Work- or anywhere!

You gotta hate traffic.
Here are 5 tips for a stress free drive to work- these tips can also be modified to apply to public transport:

1. Don’t rush. Leave a little early than usual and feel more relaxed. Relax your body as you take off. Remember that great holiday you had a while ago. Bring that feeling into your mind and see the day as an adventure. Maybe listen to music that raises your energies. Don’t rush.

3. Breathe. Here is a great exercise. Breathe in to the count of 2 and out to the count of 4. Do this for a few minutes. Don’t worry you won’t run out of breath. Breathing out longer than breathing in has the effect of calming your heart. Breathe and relax.

4. Sit up straight. Like breathing, being conscious of good posture helps to eliminate negative thoughts. Sit back - your shoulders should be to the back of the seat, straight and your hips a bit higher than your knees. Feel the body relax.

5. Take alternate routes. See the drive as an adventure. Take alternative routes even if they take longer to get you to work- leave earlier.

See your drive to work as an adventure and a great time to think.

Above all… have FUN J

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