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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is Energy Healing?

Many people have heard of Energy Healing.

But what is 'healing' and what is 'energy'?

Many people ask me this question.

I define Energy as "A conscious exertion of power."

Conscious? What do I mean by that?

All energy is spiritual in nature. Einstein was on the right track-

If we go to Quantum Physics, we find that the concept of Energy gets to be quite complicated. Albert Einstein showed us that E=MC , Energy equals Mass times the speed of Light squared. This tells us that Mass and Energy are interchangeable. And that both space and time are not absolute. The most important consequence of this is that Mass is nothing but a form of Energy. So, everything is a form of Energy, objects at rest have stored Energy. Trees, Rocks, Dogs, Water and People are all made up of Energy, in one form or another.

Energy is therefore the unifying element in our universe. It can exist as either solid matter or as non-solid matter, such as a beam of light. Radio waves, microwaves and X-rays are all forms of pure non-solid Energy.

Everyday our minds and bodies are being hit and affected with these Energies. We don't necessarily see them but we know they are there- they affect our mood, our behaviour, our thinking.

Where does this Energy come from? Yes, it is all around us, everywhere in all different wavelengths and frequencies. But the sourse is spiritual in nature. Although energy is said to eminante from a Source., I have seen how we too create energy- for example when we speak, our voice saying words has released sound waves of Energy causing ripples in the air around us. When we think, our brains release wavelengths of Energy. Likewise we pik up other people's energies.

In this sense energy is something measurable with specific instruments to detect for example, heat, light, or cosmic radiation. But where does our ability to create this energy originate? Where do the 'higher' energy frequencies come from? The spirit realm! The Energy used in Healing is measured by the effect it has on our soul, our mind, and our body. We have no more accurate way of measuring this energy than that. Our souls, minds and bodies receptors for Energy- and also transmitters of Energy.

We all have storage centers in our bodies that store Energy and Energy patterns. They are called Chakras. We can have Energy Patterns stored from events that happened yesterday as well as from many years ago. Some of these patterns will be happy memories and some of them will be unpleasant and painful memories of something that happened to us. Sometimes we stash them away deep into some recess in our Chakras and in our Auras (the Energy field around us), and try to forget about them, but they don?t really go away. Dis-ease is a manifestation of unbalanced Energy. Healing, then is a way of balancing Energy.

Throughout our lives we pick up negative forms of Energy, such as Fear, Doubt, Anger, Judgment, Criticism, Blame and others. Any techniques we find that enable us to let go of these patterns will help to move us toward peace and happiness.

There are many ways to balance your Energy. One approach is A: to become the most complete and loving being you can be. The loving Energy will naturally dissolve the parts of you that are keeping you unbalanced.
Another way of balancing your Energy is through B:

1.Recognition - recognizing the problem.

2. Surrender and Release - putting trust in the highest power, letting go of trying to control how your life will manifest. It is releasing how we think things should be, and knowing that he Divine Source will take control.
If you combine both paths of A: Love and B: the path of Release, you will have the fastest way possible to a balanced, healed state of being.

When a trained Energy Healer works with you to help balance your Energy, for many, the process of Healing is accelerated. As a Spiritual and Energy Healer, I remove the negative psychic energies that you have accumulated.

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